Mind Hacks Admin

The Psychology of Excuses

Moral disengagement is a process of cognitive restructuring that allows individuals to disassociate from their internal moral standards and behave unethically without feeling distressed. It is the story we tell ourselves to not feel bad about inhumane actions that normally would go against our moral principles, or the excuses we find to avoid feeling guilty

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Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland

In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, host Fergal Fox discusses the mental health challenges faced by LGBTQI+ individuals in Ireland. Dr. Matt Kennedy from Belong To and Denise Croke from the HSE share insights from a recent research report revealing high rates of self-harm and suicidal thoughts among LGBTQI+ youth.

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The 5 Stages of Grief

When losing someone or something that is important to us we often go through 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Each stage serves a purpose to help us come to terms with a loss. This complex emotional response to loss is unique to each person and not always linear. 

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Cuteness: Can Kittens Make You Smarter?

Every day, around 100,000 videos of cats and puppies are uploaded to YouTube, highlighting the powerful influence of cuteness, particularly through the concept of the baby schema.This evolutionary phenomenon evokes feelings of care and affection and promotes positive emotional responses that can even lead to increased focus, improved mood, and even a boost in productivity.

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