
Owning It: What is Comfortable Neutrality and why is it important for anxiety?

Another solo episode as part of season 3. This time I am introducing you to the concept of Comfortable Neutrality which is essential for increasing confidence and an incredibly helpful tool for down-regulating our anxiety response. It is an idea put forward in my second book The Confidence Kit (which is out now in the […]

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Owning It: What is a ‘stretch zone experience’ and why is it important?

Hi guys, in this second episode of season 3 I am drilling down into some of the content explored in my second book, The Confidence Kit. I am looking at the comfort zone model and the importance of what’s called a stretch zone experience when it comes to owning our anxiety and building our confidence.

Owning It: What is a ‘stretch zone experience’ and why is it important? Read More »

Owning It: Your anxiety perfectly explained by a Behavioural Neuroscientist

I think this might be the most insightful and informative episode I’ve shared to date where Dr Michael Keane, Behavioural Neuroscientist and founder of actualise.ie, talks me through exactly how our brain functions when it comes to anxiety and how we are best posed to take back control. I’ve never had someone explain how our

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The Problem Gambling Podcast S2 Episode 7 – Interview with Minal Jain, Co-Founder of RecoverMe App

Interview with Minal Jain, a co-founder of the RecoverMe App, which has been designed to help people in recovery from gambling problems, using CBT and Mindfulness approaches.  For a free  trial, go to their website.   Co-hosted by addiction counsellors Barry Grant and Tony O’Reilly, from Extern Problem Gambling.   The podcast is proudly sponsored by Gamban.

The Problem Gambling Podcast S2 Episode 7 – Interview with Minal Jain, Co-Founder of RecoverMe App Read More »

Niall Breslin Mindful Moments for Children | Episode 5: Body Scan

To coincide with the release of ‘The Chill Skill’, the latest in a series of bestselling Children’s picture books by myself and illustrated by Emma Proctor, I have created a series of customised mindfulness mini-series to help the kids in your life find some space in their hectic days, to give their busy minds a

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Niall Breslin Mindful Moments for Children | Episode 4: The Chill Skill

To coincide with the release of ‘The Chill Skill’, the latest in a series of bestselling Children’s picture books by myself and illustrated by Emma Proctor, I have created a series of customised mindfulness mini-series to help the kids in your life find some space in their hectic days, to give their busy minds a

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Niall Breslin Mindful Moments for Children | Episode 3: Take Five

To coincide with the release of ‘The Chill Skill’, the latest in a series of bestselling Children’s picture books by myself and illustrated by Emma Proctor, I have created a series of customised mindfulness mini-series to help the kids in your life find some space in their hectic days, to give their busy minds a

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Niall Breslin Mindful Moments for Children | Episode 2: The Magic Moment

To coincide with the release of ‘The Chill Skill’, the latest in a series of bestselling Children’s picture books by myself and illustrated by Emma Proctor, I have created a series of customised mindfulness mini-series to help the kids in your life find some space in their hectic days, to give their busy minds a

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Niall Breslin Mindful Moments for Children | Episode 1: Colour Breathing

To coincide with the release of ‘The Chill Skill’, the latest in a series of bestselling Children’s picture books by myself and illustrated by Emma Proctor, I have created a series of customised mindfulness mini-series to help the kids in your life find some space in their hectic days, to give their busy minds a

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Where Is My Mind? Meditation 6: Perspective Meditation

This meditation is the final meditation in the series accompanying episode 6, and guided by Niall Breslin. The meditation is about recognising the journey we have been on together over the past six weeks, and about getting some valuable perspective on your life at this present moment. It reflects on how finding a way to

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Where Is My Mind? Meditation 5: The Lake Meditation

The lake meditation accompanies episode 5 of Where is my Mind. It is adapted from Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Lake Meditation, and guided by Niall Breslin. Like the mountain meditation, the lake meditation uses nature as a strong visualisation anchor that guides us to present moment awareness. The lakes surface can changes from day to day. It

Where Is My Mind? Meditation 5: The Lake Meditation Read More »

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