Mental Health Policy

The Real Problem Of Mental Health

Unlike a broken leg, mental health—and the lack thereof—is deeply complex. Mental states exist on a spectrum, often without clear biomarkers. Medical diagnoses frequently intertwine overlapping conditions, subjective assessments, and corporate influences. Neurodivergence reveals ethical dilemmas, diagnostic inflation, and a system largely guided by just two books. Can we do better?

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Storytelling can Inspire

Storytelling Talking about your own mental health journey can inspire others to make changes in their own lives. Storytelling is an important part of advocacy, and there are many ways you can go about it. Check out the Balancing Our Minds Inspiring Action toolkit for ways you can start advocating for mental health in your

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What is a multidisciplinary Team

What is a Multidisciplinary Team or MDT?

What is a Multidisciplinary Team So, what is a Multidisciplinary Team? A multidisciplinary team (MDT) is a diverse group of healthcare professionals. MDT members combine their expertise to provide coordinated care for people with complex needs. They work towards ensuring service users recover from mental health difficulties in a way that best meets their needs.

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СТРЕС, ВИГОРАННЯ, ТРАВМА СТРЕС, ВИГОРАННЯ, ТРАВМА СТРЕС, ВИГОРАННЯ, ТРАВМА За останнє десятиліття значно зросла кількість осіб, які були змушені залишити свої домівки. Це означає також стрімке зростання необхідності допомоги від волонтерів, працівників допомагаючих професій, таких як соціальні працівники, психологи, медичні працівники та ін., а також людей, які можуть надавати допомогу іншим чином (наприклад хости). Біженці, які тікають



ТРАВМА, ВТРАТА, ДОСВІД МІГРАЦІЇ | Mental health information session for the Ukrainian community

ТРАВМА, ВТРАТА, ДОСВІД МІГРАЦІЇ St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS) is hosting a series of mental health information sessions and events for the Ukrainian community. This session is a psychoeducational talk on trauma, loss and bereavement. Psychoeducation is a process aimed at informing people about mental health difficulties. The session is for Ukrainian refugees, volunteers,

ТРАВМА, ВТРАТА, ДОСВІД МІГРАЦІЇ | Mental health information session for the Ukrainian community Read More »

Coalition Conversations. The Policy Context: Sharing the Vision

The Policy Context: Sharing the Vision In June 2020, we saw the publication of Ireland’s new mental health policy ‘Sharing the Vision: A Mental Health Policy for Everyone.’ This policy is a ten-year plan to improve Ireland’s mental health systems and is hugely relevant to addressing the mental health impacts of COVID-19. We would like

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Coalition Conversations. The Employment: Mental Health Initiatives in Ireland

The Employment: Mental Health Initiatives in Ireland In Ireland, people with mental health difficulties have the highest rate of unemployment of any other disability group. This is despite the importance of employment for people with mental health difficulties being well recognised within policies and among stakeholders. During this week’s episode we hear from experts about

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Mindfulness for Resilience: A Body Scan Meditation with John Gerard Murphy

Mental Health Ireland Mental Health Ireland along with Teagasc and the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) have partnered to co-host and co-deliver information and resources. Our aim is to support you and your family ‘farm’ your way through the challenges being posed by Covid-19. We’re delighted to introduce guest contributor John Gerard Murphy from Lecarrow Farm

Mindfulness for Resilience: A Body Scan Meditation with John Gerard Murphy Read More »

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