Self Care

TED Talks Daily | The mental health benefits of storytelling for health care workers | Laurel Braitman

Health care workers are under more stress than ever before. How can they protect their mental health while handling new and complex pressures? TED Fellow Laurel Braitman shows how writing and sharing personal stories helps physicians, nurses, medical students and other health professionals connect more meaningfully with themselves and others — and make their emotional

TED Talks Daily | The mental health benefits of storytelling for health care workers | Laurel Braitman Read More »

TED Talks Daily | What kids can teach adults about asking for help | YeYoon Kim

Do you need some help? It’s OK to ask, says YeYoon Kim, a former kindergarten teacher who learned from her students how powerful and courageous it can be to reach out for support. Sharing the story of one of the most difficult periods in her life, Kim explores the happiness and joy that can come

TED Talks Daily | What kids can teach adults about asking for help | YeYoon Kim Read More »

TED Talks Daily | The mood-boosting power of crying | Kathy Medias

Here’s a talk about tears — and why crying isn’t something to be afraid or ashamed of. Exploring the science behind the mood-boosting power of crying, childbirth and lactation educator Kathy Mendias shows how tears can enhance your physical and mental well-being and deepen your relationship to yourself and others.

TED Talks Daily | The mood-boosting power of crying | Kathy Medias Read More »

Minding Your Wellbeing Session 5: Improving Our Resilience

Invites participants to build their resilience, learn about the building blocks of resilience including the importance of focussing on strengths._____________________________________ A new video-based mental wellbeing programme called Minding Your Wellbeing is now freely accessible.Brought to you by HSE Health and Wellbeing, this evidence-based programme provides a unique opportunity for people to learn more about mindfulness, gratitude,

Minding Your Wellbeing Session 5: Improving Our Resilience Read More »

Minding Your Wellbeing Session 4: Building Positive Relationships

Discusses ways in which participants can nurture, value and foster positive relationships which are so important for mental wellbeing._______________________A new video-based mental wellbeing programme called Minding Your Wellbeing is now freely accessible.Brought to you by HSE Health and Wellbeing, this evidence-based programme provides a unique opportunity for people to learn more about mindfulness, gratitude, self-care and

Minding Your Wellbeing Session 4: Building Positive Relationships Read More »

Minding Your Wellbeing Session 3: Exploring Emotions

Encourages participants to notice their emotions and increase their positive emotions to improve their wellbeing. __________________ A new video-based mental wellbeing programme called Minding Your Wellbeing is now freely accessible. Brought to you by HSE Health and Wellbeing, this evidence-based programme provides a unique opportunity for people to learn more about mindfulness, gratitude, self-care and resilience.

Minding Your Wellbeing Session 3: Exploring Emotions Read More »

Minding Your Wellbeing Session 1: Practicing Self Care

Explores the idea of individual’s ‘self-care’ and encourages participants to build their own ‘self-care toolkit’ which includes healthy habits for our mental health and wellbeing ___________________________Take a positive approach to your mental health with our Minding Your Wellbeing video series. There are four other videos in the series. #MindingYourWellbeing #Keepwell Brought to you by HSE Health

Minding Your Wellbeing Session 1: Practicing Self Care Read More »

Mindfulness for Resilience: Nature Meditation with John Gerard Murphy

Mental Health Ireland Mental Health Ireland along with Teagasc and the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) have partnered to co-host and co-deliver information and resources. Our aim is to support you and your family ‘farm’ your way through the challenges being posed by Covid-19. We’re delighted to introduce guest contributor John Gerard Murphy from Lecarrow Farm

Mindfulness for Resilience: Nature Meditation with John Gerard Murphy Read More »

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