In this episode, Miffy Hoad, Development Officer with Mental Health Ireland for the Cavan Monaghan area talks with Dympna Finnegan and Ann Crowe. Dympna is a mother to two young men and among other things a WRAP facilitator. She is talking about supporting her son through very difficult times when he was experiencing a lot of mental distress and episodes of psychosis. She shares some of the challenges she faced as a mother in this situation and what has been helpful in her own journey of recovery. Ann Crowe is a community development and family support worker with Focus Family resource centre in West Cavan. She talks about the sorts of challenges faced by families due to the pandemic and also how family resource centres help and what supports families can avail of there.
Please see information below for contacting your local Family Resource Centre :
Family Resource Centres in Cavan & Monaghan:
Focus FRC Killeshandra – 049 4364065
Teach Oscail FRC Cavan Town – 049 4372730
Clones FRC Clones – 047 52919
Teach Na Daoine FRC Monaghan Town – 047 71398
To find an FRC near you visit for more information
For further information on supporting your mental health & wellbeing visit:
For more information and resources on family wellbieng visit
Mental Health Ireland Family Recovery