Experiencing Trauma Symptoms From Your Relationship

You may be currently experiencing trauma symptoms from the stress and crisis of your relationship. This can affect all aspects of your life. It is important to educate yourself on the symptoms and treatment of betrayal trauma. The first 20 minutes is psychoeducational, the rest of the video is a question and answer session. Kristin’s Two-Part Blog on this topic: https://www.kristinsnowden.com/single…https://www.kristinsnowden.com/single…

Kristin does live webinars the SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH AT 9:30 AM (pacific time). Please join us by clicking the link: https://zoom.us/j/244109360

Co-host is Scott Brassart of https://www.SexandRelationshipHealing… scott@seekingintegrity.org https://www.KristinSnowden.com

Access all of Kristin’s YouTube Videos here: https://www.kristinsnowden.com/articles

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