Owning It: Anxiety surrounding coming out with Riyadh Khalaf

At this point in the season, I want to explore anxiety in the gay community: particularly the anxiety surrounding coming out to family and friends, feeling ‘othered’ at school growing up gay. For this episode I am joined by Celebrity Masterchef winner 2020, LGBTQ+ activist, bestselling author and broadcaster Riyadh Khalaf who shares his experience with me from childhood right through to present times. We talk about the anxiety of feeling at odds with how you think you ‘should’ be. The fear of rejection. How he navigated telling his parents that he was gay – which was not the story of instant acceptance you’d hope for – and where he’s at now with self-love and acceptance. He offers great insights and advice for anyone facing their own experience of coming out. I really loved having this chat with Riyadh and whether or not you as the listener are gay doesn’t really matter, if you’ve ever felt a disconnect between how you feel inside and the person you put out to the world, this conversation will resonate with you.

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Buy Riyadh’s book here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Yay-Youre-Gay-Now-What/dp/1786031914

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