For the month of July, we will be joined by our partner organisations and supporters in order to share the voices of the Traveller community with members of the Traveller community joining us later in the month. For more information, visit for more information on mental health stigma.
T: seechangeirl
F: SeeChangeIreland
I: seechangeirl
Traveller Support and information: All Ireland Traveller Health Study: A 2010 report on the current status of Traveller health in Ireland Text PAVEE to 50808 is a free, 24/7, national, anonymous mental health support text line for young Travellers in Ireland. Exchange House Ireland’s National Travellers Service is an organisation of Traveller and non-Travellers and leading provider of front line and support services Phone: 01 8721094 (Monday – Friday between the hours of 9AM – 5PM, 4PM on Fridays) Email: Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre is a national non-governmental organisation comprised of Travellers, Roma and members of the majority population working in partnership at national, regional, local and international levels.
Helplines: Call 999 or 112 if you or someone you know is about to harm themselves. Samaritans Free 24 hour listening service for anyone in distress. FreePhone: 116 123 Email: For free 24/7 support in a crisis, free-text HELLO to 50808. To avail of Shine Services contact or call 01 541 3715