St Patrick’s Mental Health -Walk in my Shoes: Nurturing ourselves with self-care | WIMS Wellbeing Webinar for Young People

In our WIMS Wellbeing Webinar for Young People event on 8 March 2021, Grace Tutty, Occupational Therapist with St Patrick’s Mental Health Services, examined the meaning of self-care and the kinds of daily choices young people can make to look after their wellbeing. Self-care is about daily choices, and making decisions to look after ourselves. Each of us is a whole person with different aspects to who we are; it can be helpful to think of self-care like a compass that helps us to stay going in the right direction in all these different aspects. It’s important to nurture ourselves in all areas of life – our heart, soul, strength and mind – and to know that what we do in one part affects all the other areas of life too. We hope you find this talk helpful for tips on how to include and improve behaviours and practices in these areas. For more information and resources, visit

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