Behaviour Neuroscientist

What Investigating Neural Pathways Can Reveal About Mental Health | Kay M. Tye | TedTalk

Neuroscientist Kay M. Tye investigates how your brain gives rise to complex emotional states like depression, anxiety or loneliness. From the cutting edge of science, she shares her latest findings — including the development of a tool that uses light to activate specific neurons and create dramatic behavioral changes in mice. Learn how these discoveries […]

What Investigating Neural Pathways Can Reveal About Mental Health | Kay M. Tye | TedTalk Read More »

St Patrick’s Mental Health -Walk in my Shoes: Science of Mental Health | Connecting biology, our emotions, and wellbeing

“It’s the hardware, not the software”. RTÉ 2fm’s Eoghan McDermott speaks with Professor Paul Fearon, Medical Director at St Patricks Mental Health Services, to put the biological factors that contribute to our mental health and wellbeing under the microscope. Learn about the fascinating ways that our brains work, and how knowledge about the connections between

St Patrick’s Mental Health -Walk in my Shoes: Science of Mental Health | Connecting biology, our emotions, and wellbeing Read More »

Owning It: Your anxiety perfectly explained by a Behavioural Neuroscientist

I think this might be the most insightful and informative episode I’ve shared to date where Dr Michael Keane, Behavioural Neuroscientist and founder of, talks me through exactly how our brain functions when it comes to anxiety and how we are best posed to take back control. I’ve never had someone explain how our

Owning It: Your anxiety perfectly explained by a Behavioural Neuroscientist Read More »

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